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10 Comentarios recibidos

451 artículos

Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention

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Cervical cancer continues to affect thousands of women, but increases in routine screening for women ages 21 to 65 have resulted in a steady decrease in the number of diagnosed cases over the past decade. This course discusses the basics of etiology, risk factors, screening methods, diagnosis and staging, and subsequent treatment of cervical cancer.

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  • Examen
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por STUDYGRADER • 
  • subido  30-09-2021
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Alzheimer Research paper

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According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease; by 2050, up to 14 million will have the disease (Alzheimer’s Association, n.d.-a). Earlier recognition and formal support as well as better general health of our older population means that more Americans are living longer with AD and increasing numbers of families and communities are involved in the lives of people with the disease. The financial strain on families and our societal struc...

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  • Examen
  •  • 8 páginas • 
  • por STUDYGRADER • 
  • subido  30-09-2021
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Managing Preterm Labor and Avoiding Preterm Birth

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Preterm birth significantly affects neonatal outcomes and is a leading cause of neonatal mortality. Preventing, identifying, and treating preterm labor and birth is a challenge, as the process is multifactorial and often unique to each person. In addition, preterm labor can present as a silent process. This continuing education course will discuss what is currently known about the risk for and prediction and treatment of preterm labor.

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  • Examen
  •  • 40 páginas • 
  • por STUDYGRADER • 
  • subido  30-09-2021
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Pharmacologic Therapy

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Musculoskeletal Infections Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone that results in inflammation, necrosis, and formation of new bone. Osteomyelitis is classified as: • Hematogenous osteomyelitis (i.e., due to bloodborne spread of infection) • Contiguous-focus osteomyelitis, from contamination from bone surgery, open fracture, or traumatic injury (e.g., gunshot wound) • Osteomyelitis with vascular insufficiency, seen most commonly among patients with diabetes and perip...

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  • Examen
  •  • 1 páginas • 
  • por STUDYGRADER • 
  • subido  30-09-2021
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Lung Cancer Research Paper Final

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It is estimated that more than 228,150 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed in 2019. Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths, with more people expected to die from lung cancer in 2019 than from breast, prostate, and colon cancers combined. This educational activity will update healthcare professionals’ knowledge regarding risks, screening, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer, including palliative symptom management.

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  • Examen
  •  • 16 páginas • 
  • por STUDYGRADER • 
  • subido  30-09-2021
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To Air Is Human: Care of the Patient With an Artificial Airway

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Tracheostomy is the procedure that creates an opening from the midline of the throat into the trachea. A tracheostomy tube (TT), a type of artificial airway, is placed in the stoma to keep it open. Tracheostomy tubes allow for removal of secretions and relief of airway obstruction due to trauma, bleeding, tumors, tissue swelling, infections, chemical or inhalation burns, and obstructive sleep apnea. TTs also are used when patients cannot protect their own airway and when an oral airway cannot be...

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  • Examen
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por STUDYGRADER • 
  • subido  30-09-2021
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Obesity in Young Children

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Nearly 1 in 5 American children are obese (Hales et al., 2017). Children who are obese often experience bullying, low self-esteem, and depression. Left untreated, children who are obese are likely to become adults who are obese with an increased risk of developing debilitating and life-threatening diseases. Medical conditions, such as type 2 diabetes or fatty liver, previously only seen in adults, are now becoming common in children. The emotional costs can be as devastating as the health implic...

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  • Examen
  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por STUDYGRADER • 
  • subido  30-09-2021
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Rattlesnake Bite Treatment or Mistreatment?

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Rattlesnake bites are uncommon in the United States. The incidence of rattlesnake bites is not known, and the published numbers are estimates and almost certainly low; many rattlesnake bites are not reported, poison control centers are not consulted for every case, and there are probably many people who are bitten who do not seek medical attention. Death from a rattlesnake bite is rare, but victims can suffer significant toxic effects, loss of function, disfigurement, or even amputation. Most of...

i x
  • Examen
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por STUDYGRADER • 
  • subido  30-09-2021
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