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ATI Maternal Newborn Nursing With Complete Update Solution (2023-2024) Diaphragm -answerSpermicide must be applied with each act of sexual intercourse and should remain in place 6 hrs after. Empty bladder prior to coitus Transderma contraceptive patch

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ATI Maternal Newborn Nursing With Complete Update Solution () Diaphragm -answerSpermicide must be applied with each act of sexual intercourse and should remain in place 6 hrs after. Empty bladder prior to coitus Transderma contraceptive patch -answerPatch applied to dry skin overlying subQ tissue, excluding breast DepoProvera answerIM injection given every 1113 weeks (start should be during first 5 days of clients menstrual cycle) Essure -answerInsertion of agent resulting in develo...

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  • Examen
  •  • 22 páginas • 
  • por charleskimani • 
  • subido  16-01-2024
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