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50 items

FutureSmart Financial Literacy Exam Review Guide_ (April2023).

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• Course What are some examples of things would be considered a want rather than a need for most people? - -A smartphone -Describe what an opportunity cost is - -The trade-off of making one choice and giving up a different choice -You are going to buy a computer, but first you want to do some research to help you select the best model for your needs. Where should you look for the fairest and most reliable information? - -An independent consumer education website that reviews and rates...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  08-04-2023
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Samenvatting Wat is onderzoek? Questions & Answers - 2023

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Wetenschappelijke houding - -Het beschikken over de juiste onafhankelijkheid, kennis en vaardigheden om onderzoek uit te voeren. -Domein - -Het hele 'gebied' waarop je onderzoek betrekking heeft. -Eenheden - -Alle elementen, personen, objecten waarover je in je onderzoek uitspraken doet. -Fundamenteel onderzoek - -Onderzoek dat kennisvragen beantwoordt. -Praktijkgericht onderzoek - -Onderzoek dat praktijkvragen beantwoordt. -Kwantitatief - -Onderzoek met behulp van cijfermatige ...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 13 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  08-04-2023
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Samenvatting Wat is onderzoek? Q&A (2023)

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communicatiecyclus 4 stappen - -analyseren bedenken maken/realiseren implementeren -empirische cyclus - -1. wat wil ik weten/onderzoeksvraag 2. wat is er al bekend/deskresearch 3. wat is er nog niet bekend/onderzoeksvraag 4. hoe ga ik dat uitvinden/ methode en theorie 5. hoe ga ik nieuwe gegevens in kaart brengen/analyse 6. in mijn vraag beantwoord/ conclusie 7. wat doe ik er mee/adviesrapport -centrale onderzoeksvraag - -hoofdvraag van het onderzoek -kenmerken centrale vraa...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 7 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  08-04-2023
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EVERFI Future Smart Answers: All Modules 2-6. (April 2023)

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Associate's Degree - -A degree granted after two years of study, often by a community or junior college -Account Number - -Each bank account has a unique account number that can be found at the bottom of a check or on your statement. -Auto Insurance - -Type of insurance that protects a driver in the case of a car accident. States require it by law. -Bachelor's Degree - -A degree awarded by a college or university for completing undergraduate studies. -Balance - -The total amount of...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 6 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  08-04-2023
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Notary Signing Agent Certification Study Guide: Part 1. 2023

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Notary Signing Agent - -A notary who specifically trained to handle and notarized loan documents; plays a critical role in many mortgage transactions nationwide -The Five Requirements - -The created five standards required of all NNA NSA candidates: 1. Signing and adhering today the notary signing agent code of conduct 2. Passing and annual certification examination 3. Submitting to an annual background screening 4. Using the signing presentation guidelines 5. Owning notary errors an...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 3 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  07-04-2023
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EVERFI Achieve Consumer Financial Education Answers All Modules.(Summer 2023)

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Select the answer that best describes opportunity cost: - -What you give up as a result of choosing one option versus another; a trade -Before buying a new computer, you want to do some research to help you select the best model for your needs. Where should you go: - -An independent consumer education website that reviews and rates technology -If you know the unit price of an item, you are better able to: - -Compare prices of two brands -Which of the following is NOT a successful budget...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  07-04-2023
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Summary BRT: Additional information (book/articles) that is not in slides: Q&A - 2023

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Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) - -- An enhanced bus system that operates on exclusive bus lanes or other transit rights-of-way. The system is designed to combine the flexibility of buses with the efficiency of rail - It does this through the provision of dedicated lanes, with busways and iconic stations typically aligned to the center of the road, off-board fare collection, and fast and frequent operations -High Speed Rail (e.g. Spain's AVE) - -- Rail system that is faster than traditional rail be...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 19 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  06-04-2023
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Nonverbal communication - -communication using body movements, gestures, methods of eye contact, and posture (whether seated or standing) -Barriers of effective communication - -• use of profane, derogatory, or disrespectful language • stereotyping • use of derogatory hand gestures or body movements • stress and fatigue on the part of either party • inability to communicate in the same language • lack of cultural understanding • failure to listen actively • use of jargo...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 10 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  06-04-2023
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Summary BRT: Additional information (book/articles) that is not in slides:Q&A-2023

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Interpersonal Communication - -involves the exchange of ideas, messages or information between two or more people through speaking, writing or behavior to affect some kind of action. -Effective Listening - -requires giving full attention to what is being said and taking time to understand the message without interrupting. -Verbal Command - -an authoritative statement used to direct, influence, or give orders to a person or group. -Command Presence - -is the way an officer projects an im...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  06-04-2023
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Summary BRT: Additional information (book/articles) that is not in slides: Questions & Answers- 2023

0x  verkocht

Definition exploratory research - -Exploratory research is inductive research. inductive research is qualitative in nature, instead of quantitative. Meaning that we don't number but 'words' info. -Characteristics of exploratory/inductive research - -- To require an in-depth understanding when prior theory is absent - Often based on qualitative data => inductive research - Differs from deductive research in the seven-step process: Step 3 = conceptual background instead of theoretic fra...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door derickochieng • 
  • geupload  06-04-2023
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