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Work in the 21st Century notes

Frank J. Landy, Jeffrey M. Conte - ISBN: 9781118291207

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Samenvatting boek Work in the 21ste century, vierde editie
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Dit is een samenvatting van het boek dat gebruikt wordt bij het tweedejaars vak Arbeid, organisatie en personeelspsychologie. In de samenvatting staan de hfd 1 t/m 13 die geleerd moesten worden.

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  • Summary
  •  • 127 pages • 
  • by roosje12 • 
  • uploaded  06-10-2013
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Summary Work in the 21st Century

This book retains the accessibility of the previous editions while incorporating the latest research findings, and updated organizational applications of the principles of I-O psychology. The scientist-practitioner model continues to be used as the philosophical cornerstone of the textbook. The writing continues to be topical, readable, and interesting. Furthermore, the text includes additional consideration of technological change and the concomitant change in the reality of work, as well as keeps and reinforces the systems approach whenever possible, stressing the interplay among different I-O psychology variables and constructs.